On 16 July 2007, Spectrum Jewellery Pvt. Ltd, a JV company of Gitanjali Group and Sanghvi Exports has initiated its first Sangini C-store in partnership with Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. The Sangini outlets have been launched at the HPCL facilities at S.V. Road, & Turner Road Junction, Bandra (W). Each outlet is of 1500 sq.ft.
The launch saw the likes of film star Tanushree Dutta, Mr. Dharmesh Bothra (COO, Gitanjali Group), Mr. Mehul Modh (CEO, Spectrum Jewellery Pvt. Ltd.) & Mr. S.P. Chaudhry (Executive Director – Retail, HPCL).
The new store would introduce a ‘The Heritage Value Programme’, wherein the customer is promised a 100% cash-back on all purchases, but after a cumulative 18 years. To qualify for membership, one must make a purchase worth Rs 20,000 in a single instance or in a series of purchases through all Sangini outlets across India. If the customer wishes to withdraw membership, he can do so in after 12 years and get 50% cash-back of their purchase value, after 12 years. This benefit will be offered free of cost. The programme is an option for the customer who my enter into it or not.
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