Sudden Surge in Popularity
Today’s generation is versatile and modern. They like to
experiment and do not shy away from trying something
new. The modern women today are evolved who make wellinformed
choices. Hair accessories are very elegant and
bring out the glamour quotient in a woman at the same time
highlighting her tresses, which are added to their feminine
beauty. Various national and international celebrities at the red
carpet have also adorned them. And, now we see jewellery
designers and brands reinventing the traditional hair jewellery
by adding a classic and stylish twist, which is a fresh offering
for the consumers. Some of my designs can be worn as a
brooch, pendant and a hair accessory at different times and
different occasions. The result is a unique combination of
accessible luxury: easy to wear superlative jewellery with a
high style quotient. Hair accessories suit women with Neoclassic
and Naturalist personalities. These women can carry
opulent stone sizes. They need something that is traditional
rustic, more of fusion, carrying Indian elements in the design. Varuna D Jani,
Adornologist &
Varuna D Jani
Diamond Glitter For Hair
Hair accessories have always reflected a
royal aura and have been adorned by queens
since time immemorial. Somehow, over the
last few years hair adornment has taken a
new level with women wanting to experiment
with hair accessories. Diamond and gold hair
accessories are cherished by the new age
brides especially when it can be passed on as
their heirloom. - Gunjan Suri,
Design Manager,
Shrenuj & Co
Price Range
A hair accessory is a very popular trend
and is picking up swiftly in today’s
time. It is not only famous with young
generation as a fashion style but also
preferred by modern brides too for
their D-Day. There are brides who don’t
prefer huge neckpieces, so they opt
for heavy hair accessories to balance.
Also, many customers come to me
with their old neckpiece and get it
converted to a head gear. Hence, as
the consumer is varied, the price point
also varies, minimum just a diamond
string starts from Rs 2 lakhs and heavy
pieces can go up to Rs 5 lakhs.
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