Why was the decision to rebrand Diamond Producers Association happen now?
The world was changing even before Coronavirus, fairly dramatically. I started my role back in December 2019. We were already two or three months into this strategy and positioning before Coronavirus. But obviously, the impact of Coronavirus has both accentuated and accelerated in terms of what we were doing. So why did we want to do it? A number of reasons. First of all, we wanted to speak to a younger audience in the major markets in the world, particularly in the U.S.
David Kellie, CEO, Natural Diamond Council believes that no luxury item can replace the allure and charm of diamonds, especially after Covid 19. In a quick chat, he talks about the decision of rebranding, NDC’s plan for India, why real and rare is still relevant and more. Watch the video to find out more.Follow DiamondWorld on Instagram: @diamondworldnet
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