Zoom limits fashion to the waist up, so necklaces and earrings have become very important. Also, the opportunity to wear jewelry as a pick-me-up or for its feel-good factor is there. And as soon as people are able to go out again, meet with friends, attend events, travel, etc. they will be very keen on wearing jewelry. And those who can afford it will be willing to make new investments.
Ans.Because of the pandemic, some consumers are being very cautious with their spending. However, we have been observing that anyone who decides to spend money on jewellery will be looking to make a sort of "investment". So, purchasing a piece of jewellery, besides having good design and excellent workmanship, should also feature superlative gemstones, giving it an intrinsic value.
Q. How has the shift in consumption pattern influenced your design process?Ans. PICCHIOTTI is world renowned for the use of the finest gemstones and the utmost attention to details. So, our designs always take into great consideration these elements. The shift towards the search for intrinsically valuable jewellery has only reinforced this pattern.
Q.What kind of research do you undertake before creating a collection?
Ans. We try to develop and take to new heights the collections that have been most meaningful to PICCHIOTTI. This does not mean that we repeat ourselves, but we go through an aesthetic process that constantly evolves into new designs, always keeping in mind the basis that we have started from.
Q.How important is it for jewellery to symbolize meanings of hope and optimism given the current context?
Ans. Jewellery itself is full of hope and optimism. It is made of valuable treasures like precious metals, diamonds and gemstones that come from the very core of the earth and will endure long beyond the span of a human life. This gives meaning to fine jewellery that is beyond words, making the jewels themselves symbols of endurance and hope. That eternal sparkle of a diamond – it never dies. Its beauty lives on and brings with it optimism, because we know it will continue to delight us or our descendants for many years to come.
Xpandable ring with Zambian emeralds and diamonds
Q.Living in seclusion from the society and to not be able to socialize would mean that there is perhaps no need to wear jewellery at all – how have you turned this blip into an opportunity?
Ans.Living in seclusion has been very hard for everybody, but this will not last forever. Also, many people have been wearing jewellery during lockdown for their Zoom meetings and social events or virtual special occasions. Zoom limits fashion to the waist up, so necklaces and earrings have become very important. Also, the opportunity to wear jewelry as a pick-me-up or for its feel-good factor is there. And as soon as people are able to go out again, meet with friends, attend events, travel, etc. they will be very keen on wearing jewelry. And those who can afford it will be willing to make new investments.
Q.What are some of the technological/digital shifts you have made to engage better with your audience?
Ans.PICCHIOTTI has a totally new fully dynamic and interactive website, featuring an elegant and captivating design, so that the online customer experience will be enhanced and improved. It also has a B2B section that will serve as a portal for easy communication and interaction with all the retail partners. We have also increased our digital marketing and social media presence.
Q.Can you give us an example of how you have used data you have obtained to your advantage in terms of getting more conversion rate or creating the kind of jewellery your audience exactly wants?
Ans. For us, jewellery design is not based on mathematics. It is a matter of feeling and sensitivity. As an example, our successful and patented Xpandable™ collection, now in its fifth year, was born out of an idea that came from our customers. We continually heard customer concerns about their poorly fitting rings from other brands or big knuckles making it hard to wear rings, also not having someone nearby to put a bracelet on. We felt a desire to make luxury comfortable and imbue it with ease. We experimented till we found the perfect way to solve the problem of sizing and cumbersome clasps. Our Xpandable ring and bracelets are now some of our best-selling designs.
Q.Do you believe the meaning and the way luxury has been looked at changed after the pandemic?
Ans.Luxury has always meant elegance and sophistication. What is more important now is the added layer of comfort. It was already growing in importance pre-pandemic but working from home and spending so much time at home, now comfort is equally as important as sophistication in the world of luxury.
Fan earrings with intense fancy yellow diamonds and diamonds
For us, jewellery design is not based on mathematics. It is a matter of feeling and sensitivity. As an example, our successful and patented Xpandable™ collection, now in its fifth year, was born out of an idea that came from our customers. We continually heard customer concerns about their poorly fitting rings from other brands or big knuckles making it hard to wear rings, also not having someone nearby to put a bracelet on. We felt a desire to make luxury comfortable and imbue it with ease. We experimented till we found the perfect way to solve the problem of sizing and cumbersome clasps. Our Xpandable ring and bracelets are now some of our best-selling designs.
Q. Gold has seen a major comeback in the past year – why do you think that is?
Ans.Mainly thanks to the fashion world. Gold is precious, luminescent and flattering on a woman’s skin. And with a small diamond accent, as we see a lot now, it really becomes a must-have accessory.
Q.What importance have diamonds held in the minds of consumers during the pandemic? Have they increased/decreased in popularity?
Ans.Diamonds have always been and will always be “a girl’s best friend.” Nothing will ever change that. From engagement rings and wedding bands to major stones in important settings, diamonds maintain their popularity through good times and bad.
Q.Sustainability has been such a hot topic, with brands embracing a greener approach to creating jewels. How have you become more sustainable, not just in terms of sourcing gemstones but also your manufacturing process and the whole production cycle?
Ans.We have been continually improving our efforts to be sustainable for a few years now. For example, we use recycled gold often, and our diamonds are mostly “conflict-free.” In the manufacturing process, we strictly abide by the existing government rules and regulations to minimize the environmental impact of our production.
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