MVI Marketing LLC also called The MVEye released Global Voices 2022 International Lab-Grown Diamond Consumer and Trade Market Research Report. “This research study confirms that the lab-grown diamond disruption has gone far beyond the borders of the USA and is now seeing increasing consumer demand in markets across the globe,” said Liz Chatelain, President, and co-founder of The MVEye. “And there is certainly clear evidence that the mined diamond business is now being cannibalised.”
Key findings revealed in the report include:
“This is the third major research project that IGDA has spearheaded,” said Richard Garard, IGDA President. He added, “these studies have demonstrated the upward trajectory of lab-grown diamond acceptance - from the consumers barely knowing what it is to now nearly 80% recognition. This rise came mainly through consumer organic word of mouth and social media posts. We believe this could be the most significant research so far, demonstrating trade and consumer presumption of continuing market growth for lab-grown diamonds.”
The study was conducted with over 1,200 North American jewelry consumers and 178 retailers in Australia, Canada, EU, New Zealand, United Kingdom, and the United States. The consumer and retailer respondents answered an extensive online survey and some were also interviewed on video. The report includes links to these videos. The complete study report is now available on THE MVEye website; subscribers to The MVI LGD Market Intel Report, members of IGDA, GIA alumni/students, LUSIX customers and journalists can receive this report at no cost.
Image courtesy to istockphoto.com
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